Where to Get Practice Papers for the Portuguese Exams

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Last updated on June 4, 2024

If you’re learning Portuguese and planning to take a Portuguese exam, such as the A2, you’re probably wondering if there are any past papers you could look at. Past or practice papers are helpful, not just for practicing your Portuguese, but for getting an idea of what the exam will be like. 

Unfortunately, getting a hold of past papers or practice tests is quite difficult and it’s not something that’s commonly available. However, there are a few resources that can help. 

Learn European Portuguese Online offers two A2 (CIPLE) mock exams, which you can purchase online (and the code PORTUGALIST2024 gives you 10% off). You can also purchase an entire course which is geared to prepare you for the A2 exam and comes with the two mock papers. The course isn’t always open for enrollment.

Listening is one of the tasks that most people find the hardest. Even though it’s not test-focused, one useful resource is to sign up for Practice Portuguese and listen to all of the ‘shorties’ for levels A1, A2, and even B1. The rest of their material is obviously very useful too, but this is particularly helpful for listening practice, even if the material is a bit more entertaining and easier to understand than what you’re likely to hear on the day. Similarly, Italki can be useful for speaking practice and there are a few tutors that offer test preparation classes.

The University of Lisbon has sample exams for each of the levels. Click the link below and then scroll down to the bottom of each page to the area marked ‘Exemplo do Exame.’ The website uses the CAPLE ranking as opposed to the more common A1, A2, etc.

CAPLE Level CEFR Level

Another place to look is this collection of practice papers. Unfortunately, there’s only one exam per level. If you’re taking the A2, it’s worth practicing with the A1 as well, perhaps initially, just for extra practice. You can find this book on Amazon too, but it’s usually priced more expensive. However, it may be easier to order from there if you’re outside of Portugal.

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