Learning Portuguese to C1 (Advanced) Level

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Written by / Last updated on June 14, 2024

If your goal is to go about your day-to-day life speaking in Portuguese, you’ll want to aim for a C1 or C2 level of Portuguese. These are the advanced levels of language learning, according to the CEFR scale, with the C2 level essentially being native fluency.

At this level, you’ll be able to read complex texts and discuss complex subjects in both social and professional settings. Most language learners end up plateauing at the intermediate level so you’ll be well above average if you can progress to this level.

Most language learning courses and resources are aimed at beginner and intermediate level learners, but thankfully there are a handful of resources for C1-level learners and above.

Courses & Textbooks

The following resources are all aimed at advanced speakers of European Portuguese:

Tip: If you haven’t already taken an exam in Portuguese, it may be worth taking one as a qualification at this level could be a nice boost to your resumé.

Other Resources

  • Practice Portuguese – While Practice Portuguese is primarily aimed at beginner and intermediate level learners, they do have some content (including audio content) aimed at C1-level learners.
  • Memrise – Memrise doesn’t have much content for advanced learners, but there are some flashcards covering advanced level expressions, idioms, and comparisons as well as a few other flashcards that are labelled as advanced.

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